Leading Digital Transformation Technologies for 2021

The digital transformation market is witnessing substantial growth. Many organizations are adopting digital transformation trends for gaining potential and staying ahead of their competitors. This article will come to you regarding the topmost digital transformation technologies for enterprises in 2021.

Let’s explore these modern-day technologies:
  • Cloud Technology

The advantages of cloud computing are numerous. Flexibility and accessibility are the topmost benefits of moving to the cloud. Besides low total cost associated with cloud technology is one of the major reasons businesses are adopting it.

It can also get into the maintenance of the easily accessible private infrastructure while streamlining the day-to-day functionality. The benefits of cloud bursting while also sharing what needs to be shared and keeping other things private makes it one of the essential entities in 2021. Today more than 85% of businesses are already making use of Sound Technology to store information.

  • Big Data and Real-Time Analytics

Real-time analytics can give the potential to the businesses to stay aware and take action on data immediately once they notice the problems.

Besides, real-time analytics also gives the opportunity of responding to queries within seconds. When the data is unstructured, these tools actively capture the data and store it for analysis.

Therefore, it can reduce the cost of the business to a huge extent. Cloud analytics also makes sure about saving huge data and profiles. For exclusive opportunities for business growth, it’s worth considering big data and analytics because around 99.5% of the collected data never gets analyzed. Besides, less than 50% of the structured data collected from you is used in decision-making.

  • Boosts IoT Scalability

Scalability is the ability to analyze, process and summarize extensive data before sending it to another device. AI-infused IoT devices work towards predictive, prescriptive and continuous analytics to boosts scalability. Predicts the events, prescribes the methods and procedures to be followed and analyzes and provides the best suggestion to work better. Such efficiency is made possible by an AI-powered IoT ecosystem that eases our everyday process.

  • Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is one of the trending solutions for most businesses today that comes with overlaying visual, auditory, and sensory information to enhance the User experience.

That being said, the enterprises are adopting the augmented reality technology to promote the product or services while also launching Novel marketing campaigns and collecting unique user data.

Besides, the minimized learning risks with promoting the experienced-based learning approach are making it quite favorable in every business. Augmented reality is also generating a massive opportunity for the delivery of information and content. Around 88% of the mid-sized businesses are already adopting Augmented reality and integrating it into the corporate sector.

  • Internet of Things

Internet of things is becoming popular and aims to develop internet connectivity for the daily purpose that can work for sending and receiving data effectively. IoT devices are developing the ability for tracking and monitoring things.

Besides, it can lighten the workload with automation. The increased efficiency by saving money and resources also makes them quite favorable for the businesses. Certain revelations suggest the number of cellular IoT connections is expected to reach around 3.5 billion in 2023.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are becoming helpful for businesses to achieve the key goals while obtaining actionable insight, driving critical decisions, and creating exciting new and innovative products.

That being said, the approach works flexibly inaccurate application in the different sectors of the businesses. Machine learning also relies on defining behavioral rules by comparing and examining large data sets for finding common patterns.

Most businesses utilize them today for the incredible power of processing more data than a human being ever could. Digital transformation trend reports suggest that around 48% of the respondents can handle the data quality issues using data analysis AI tools and machine learning. Besides, around 25% of the businesses are already adopting AI Technology into their business processes.

Key Takeaways

Digital transformation ensures helping numerous organizations achieve their end goals more flexibly while increasing their return on investment.

As a business owner, you can prosper by adopting digital transformation trends without wasting additional money, resources, and time.

Leading Cloud Computing Trends In 2021

The 2020 experiences helped us to predict what to expect in 2021 and further. Artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing and the internet of things (IoT) will continue to transform our lives in the subsequent years.

However, the most renowned use cases related to these technologies are even now significantly assisting us in adapting to the current challenges. This blog post will highlight the existing and futuristic trends in the tech world.

AI will advance the competence and swiftness of cloud computing

AI will be a crucial game-changer in many different ways. We can expect AI to infuse its dominance in the coming years. Not even budgetary constraints or lack of skills will stop cloud services from taking over your organization.

Yes, low-budget and easy-to-operate functions, image processing, language processing, and many more tools will revolutionize our day-to-day work. Cloud toolsets will be widely recognized by enterprises of all dimensions and in all areas. Performance and efficiency are the key indicators of success. And that what you will train your workforce through cloud tools and AI.

AI and cloud computing successfully handled the pandemic situation. Now, fully autonomous vehicles, home applications, smart city infrastructure will feel the presence of AI. Machine learning successfully monitors cloud data centers.

In addition, AI algorithms manage logistic processes, cooling systems, hardware networks, and power usage. AI also minimizes the harmful effects of the environment by providing efficient and highly productive machinery to the industrial fraternity.

Increase in adoption of on-premise and hybrid cloud solutions

Organizations find it challenging to choose between different cloud solutions as each one comes with unique features that offer versatility, performance, safety and security, and compliance.

Therefore, you cannot have one solution that is cost-effective to fit all your needs. Hybrid cloud solutions allow businesses to choose the elements they need for their workforce and have grown immensely popular. However, this approach has led to heavy competition in the market as the service providers offer different models to suit the organization.

If you look at the two marketing giants in cloud services-Amazon and Google initially offered space to customers while Microsoft and IBM allowed customers to choose the tools needed for their business on-premises.

Now, all of them provide various modules to fit the clients’ needs – employing cloud storage to access customer data delivery while enabling users to use their cloud programs and technologies in their on-premises networks. There will be a growing demand to adapt to cloud software where businesses can load their existing data and shift the way they work.

Virtual cloud desktops will boost efficiency across the workforce

Manage your entire workstation through virtual cloud desktops or laptops. Yes, you may now choose to pay for the hours your employees spent on cloud tools, reducing the hardware cost and eliminating the outdated technology.

Desktop-as-a-service has the luxury to receive the latest technology at your disposal at all times. Centralized management that offers better security, employees follow the best practices and improves efficiency. As the model provides greater flexibility, this synchronized technology will become increasingly popular in the coming years.

Music, movies, and now gaming will be enabled from the cloud

Cloud gaming will witness the same popularity as the video streaming offered on Amazon and Netflix in the early years. Cloud gaming will be streamed online on monthly/yearly subscriptions with vast libraries for the gamers to choose from.

In November 2019, Google Stadia – gaming-as-service was launched. Microsoft is soon expected to launch a standalone device for game streaming. And also, you might have the Xbox experience on your TV as Microsoft in talks with several TV manufacturers.

Key Takeaways

Cloud computing is now one of the top technology trends that we believe will remodel our society in the coming years. Leading tech giants are competing to unite all user requirements in different models to provide feasible solutions to all businesses.

Such fierce competition will be the driving force behind how cloud services will evolve in the coming months.

Benefits of Blending AI and IoT Technologies to Business

Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) are the two crucial technological innovations integrated into industrial practices to improve communication, increase automation, self-monitor and evaluate without human intervention.

IoT deals with acquiring data from different devices connected to the network, while AI deals with processing data from such sources. Thus, the combined possibilities of the two are immense, which businesses can employ to their benefit.

Let’s understand the Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT – call it “things, objects or stuff“. It may range from mobile phones to complex mechanical device. They all connected to the same shared network to send and receive data. IoT has infused into every industry to collect data. The accumulated data is helpful when they give us a meaningful report – that is where AI completes the job.

More industries adopt IoT to capture a vast amount of data from different sources. Such complex data needs an AI to process and analyze data. Needless to say that IoT blended with AI changing today’s business world and redefines how industries and economies carry out their functions.

The increasing demand for AI and IoT

We see the use of IoT devices across the world is increasing every day. By 2027, we will own a whopping 47 billion IoT devices. These staggering numbers are a great business opportunity, and pioneers in this field are working their way out to give their product the advantage by amplifying IoT capabilities in addition to AI. This blog highlights how a blended IoT and AI benefit the business.

  • Increases Operational Efficiency

It is impossible to imagine working with tremendous data using traditional operating methods. Results are not feasible, and it is time-consuming. We need real-time data to facilitate decision making. There is only one way to analyze, correlate and finally identify solutions to complex problems. IoT and AI bring operational efficiency at the highest order to ensure ideal outcomes on the table.

  • Triggering Improved Products & Services

When IoT and AI blended in the right way will give rise to innovations in product and services like the NLP (Natural Language Processing). It is a technology that is continually growing to facilitate better communication among humans and AI devices. Tesla’s self-driving cars are an excellent example of AI working hand in hand with IoT. Each drive becomes even better, and understanding how the cars and pedestrians behave on the road gets smarter by the day.

  • Boosts IoT Scalability

Scalability is the ability to analyze, process and summarize extensive data before sending it to another device. AI-infused IoT devices work towards predictive, prescriptive and continuous analytics to boosts scalability. Predicts the events, prescribes the methods and procedures to be followed and analyzes and provides the best suggestion to work better. Such efficiency is made possible by an AI-powered IoT ecosystem that eases our everyday process.

  •  Enhance Risks Management

One such richness of pairing AI with IoT is predicting an extensive range of risks and automating prompt responses. Such automated warnings and responses save valuable time, empowering efficient risk management.

The Fujitsu wearables offer wide range of safety solutions to its worker. AI-powered algorithms on IoT devices accurately predict human and object behaviour to implement health, safety, and well-being protocols in industrial premises.

  • Trim Down Downtime

Breaks in the manufacturing process will result in huge losses. Such interruptions are often due to machine breakdown, negligence of the maintenance protocols or a sudden equipment failure. AI-enabled industrial machines help us detect such disruptions beforehand to protect the business suffer from unplanned downtime.

Deloitte, using predictive technology, protects the business from lost production time and breakdown risks. Deloitte proactive measures to safeguard machine failures result in the following ways

  • 10-20% of equipment uptime is enhanced
  • 5-10% of reduction of overall maintenance costs
  • 20-50% of the maintenance planning time is saved.
Key Takeaways

Using the combined transformative powers of AI and IoT, industries will be more equipped to face challenges, improve production efficiency, enforce better risk management protocols and provide the competitive edge against all odds.

The disruption will become a routine to shape industrial benchmarks. And these technologies will be the game-changer that will transform and uplift the industrial fraternity.

How Significant Is Solution Architecture For Project Development

Around one-third of customized software development projects fail, about half of the projects get postponed, and some get over finances or have limited features. Only one-sixth of the projects get timely completed as per financial plans and according to the defined requirements.

The above-discussed scenario requires involvement of a solution architect who can apply skills and save projects by offering precise solutions keeping projects right on track. If you are commencing a project, you require initiating by developing a solution architecture document for it.

An architecture that blends role, process and documentation to resolve specific challenges and needs with the design of information systems or applications is solution architecture.

Here are four ways how solution architecture does assist project development:
  • Solution Architecture is Designed to Meet All Stakeholders Demands

There can be multiple stakeholders of a project. There is an in-house and business facet of project development. The non-technical stakeholders have to be informed about the development updates and ongoing processes. There are even discussions about the project costing and budgeting with the diverse stakeholders.

This job is resourcefully managed by a solution architect. He is the person who deciphers applicable information about a project into a language that top management and other stakeholders can comprehend. They necessitate being kept in the loop.

  • Solution Architecture Ensures the Project is Built Using Precise Technology

A superior solution architect knows in-depth about diverse tools and technologies. He examines substitute architectural strategies connecting them. The varied strategies which rely on the platform selection, technologies and tools utilized and the reuse of code are measured for better preferences across the project.

Proofs of concept are developed under the guidance of a solution architect to explore the costs and advantages of every strategy. Project demands are thoroughly assessed, and the most appropriate strategy is preferred to craft the project. The solution architecture also deals with the swiftness, agility and security of the project. The solution architect validates technologies to make sure they meet the business requirements of the project.

  • Solution Architecture Assists in Managing the Project Limitations

The momentous project limitations are precise technology & tools, risk factors, project scope, overall costs, superior quality, project schedule and resources, which require to be handled by Solution Architecture. The project utilizes the tools & technologies that fit the developing modules. A scope documents explicit objectives, deliverables, functionalities and deadlines.

All of this stuff comes with its limitations which a solution architect measures and selects the finest one. Every project has a financial budget and costs limitations. There also are schedule restrictions, and tasks need to be controlled across the entire project. So, in-progress projects necessitate a tidy allocation of resources to deal with the limitations.

  • A Solution Architect’s Client Facing Role in Precise Project Development

A solution architect assists in the onboarding procedure. He backs clients across the project implementation. He prepares documentations and defines processes. He facilitates self-learning for the clients and makes it handy for them to go through database visualization tools.

He comprehends the business, technology and sales objectives of the clients. So, solution architecture assists in the project development and demonstrations.

Key Takeaways

Solution Architecture thus is the primary framework that offers you precise guidelines for project development. You require handling the limitations well. Examining, experimenting, discovering and enabling the precise blend of tools, technology, and processes will make sure you have success in your project.

The research and endeavours you put into organizing a solution architecture document will direct the teams to build the accurate solution, which will certainly be constructive to you and the ones invested in the project development.

Five Benefits of Serverless Architecture for Every Application

Instead of shifting present servers right into the cloud to assist with quick scaling and smooth operations – a new approach called serverless computing has emerged. This approach helps build software with the benefits of elastic computing power and ease of app development.

With millions of apps looking for consideration on Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store, developers are moving to serverless for cut-throat benefits.

The average cost of app development can straightforwardly reach the top six figures. However, around 90% of the paid applications make less than $1,250 each day. So, by trimming down costs and internal intricacy, serverless computing has lent a hand to application creator’s deal with the flooded marketplace and offer compelling experiences.

The Benefits of Serverless Technology

Whether you are developing a chat application or a mobile gaming app, there are lots of reasons to go serverless:

  • Trim Down Time to Market

Serverless approaches enable app developers to craft new and innovative applications swifter. There are plentiful examples in new apps that depend on 3rd party APIs for varied services such as social (Twitter), authentication (OAuth), maps (Mapbox), AI (IBM’s Watson), and many more.

  • Improve Scalability

We all want our applications to be the subsequent LinkedIn or Facebook; however, can it deal with such high server loads if that happens? An extended prerequisite infrastructure is quite expensive. However, being ill-equipped is also an immense risk.

Here, serverless architecture means you don’t call for to make that selection. As a result, you can quickly scale without a single server.

  • Reduction in Costs

In conditions of both computing power and human resources, serverless reduces costs. Why pay for a massive infrastructure if there is access to ready authorization, presence detection, and image processing.

Besides, if there is no requirement for always being on servers, operations’ costs automatically go down. So the era of investing hundreds of thousands of dollars for precise servers is disappeared.

  • Enhanced Latency & Geolocation

An app’s capacity to scale relies on its users, locality, and network latency. In the current time, applications have worldwide audiences, which can generate latencies that weaken user experiences.

With serverless architecture, providers have points of existence near each user, and applications work uniformly. For instance, online businesses offering on-demand delivery services globally go for serverless architecture for their real-time functioning and lower latency, which further reduces involved costs.

  • Better User Experience 

Users don’t think about the superiority of systems and infrastructure; they are concerned about the innovative app features and the occupied experience. The serverless architecture enables client teams to enhance resources on the components that keep users contented.

Organizations use serverless infrastructure to offer their users a superior interface, the best experience and seamless operations, enlighten their decision-making, and constantly improve their operations’ scale

Key Takeaways

A serverless approach to business and operational challenges is now painless. The developer prepares a function, and the serverless provider wraps that function into a precise container that can be tracked, easily cloned, and effortlessly dispersed on numerous servers.

From sharing applications to analytical dashboards to linked jet engines, serverless architecture can have room for the extensive requirements of app developers.

As data loads persist in rising, you will view serverless architecture to turn a benchmarked approach to enable end-users, organizations, and involved devices.

By sinking costs, latency, time to market, and complications, the serverless model is on edge to turn into a quick solution across the app space. So what are your views on serverless architecture? If you want to know more, connect with our technical team today!